——-Past Followers Who Did Not Confirm/DM Us (Inactive List) - 2020 ——-
Followers who were chosen as a winner for any of our drawings whom did not confirm within the 24 hours will be placed in an inactive list. During your time in the inactive list, you will not be able to claim the prize even if your name is drawn. To make it out of the inactive list, users will need to be chosen again and send us a DM to confirm. After you send us a DM, you will then be placed out of the inactive list and become eligible to claim your prize for the future drawings. So make sure to turn on your notifications! To find your username faster, you can use “Ctrl + F” if you are on PC or “Command-F” if you are on a Mac.
December 7TH REDRAW #2:
=900) amanda49201277 ** (second time inactive)
=899) AmandaRipsam
=898) aronshay40
=897) bulman_samantha
=896) Confidence101
=895) dupedive ** (second time inactive)
=894) hsue420
=893) kandimandi
=892) ladypawn11
=891) Masooma20
=890) SRadnovic ** (second time inactive)
=889) tammycruz1967 ** (second time inactive)
=887) tn_kimberly
=886) Williams187Dawn
December 7TH REDRAW #1:
=885) BarbPopescu
=884) carterclub
=883) ChristinCompto7
=881) JazzyTJan
=880) KasieO
=878) marleykristin
=877) pelino_cathy
=876) pengy1
=875) pixie0829
=874) prayingdad
=873) renahyde09
=872) SanC72668
=871) SarahleeWheeler
=870) VannesaCasas1
December 4TH DRAWING:
=869) AbstractBeauty7
=868) Dino_Tyner
=867) FamFreshour ** (second time inactive)
=866) DOPPDL ** (second time inactive)
=865) KJSkib
=864) NinaRaynaray
=862) christi26042636
November 9TH REDRAW #2:
=861) battybat2u
=860) DonnaLCrenshaw
=859) fishingfun1021
=858) flsunlovr
=857) jeb2344
=856) jenndiggy
=855) Heather40259124
=854) MainmanRenegade
=853) Mevis6
=852) MrsGinaTaylor
=851) ohioboyz66 **(second time inactive)
=850) sailorgirl4278
=849) tonie91604160
=848) TTamekia
=847) wanabfishn
=846) xbleedingblissx
November 9TH REDRAW #1:
=845) 16_bit_sandwich
=844) AmbrosiaSan
=843) BGiftcard
=842) billrtwiz
=841) crazyhonesty
=840) crmcarebear ** (second time inactive)
=839) helloilene ** (second time inactive)
=838) honiiberrii
=837) i_see_hipsters
=836) Jennife07563584 ** (second time inactive)
=835) KayleeP22490697 ** (second time inactive)
=834) Kitty_Wali
=833) lilarae77
=832) RealSaltLife
=831) seeley_music ** (second time inactive)
=830) tiffany65534290
=829) TrichaLeary
=828) ZaZhiMi1
November 6TH:
=827) AndiRandolph
=826) Kelleybiddle1
=825) KerryH0we
=824) McQuazy
=823) NathaleaConger
=822) saxbeeswax
October 26TH REDRAW #2:
=821) _VioletPhoenix_
=819) DLTown1965
=818) Elener
=817) FamFreshour
=816) Kawaneeholmes
=815) mamamoose18
=814) roper1965
=813) Rynarose
=812) SharonElam10
=811) Southerncontest
=810) Sparklyone38
=809) sscf2025
=808) stephanienola ** (second time inactive)
=807) thewalkingyotes
=806) torilaytonyaho1
October 26TH REDRAW #1:
=805) AlyInWanderl4nd ** (second time inactive)
=804) AnnetteOates3
=803) bcgirll
=802) christie_hopson
=801) cuponmartdotcom
=800) DeSantis1984 ** (second time inactive)
=799) ILoveEgypt ** (second time inactive)
=798) jfike83
=797) mariansiempreyo
=796) MarkCrawford77
=795) Melissabently
=794) motherof3kidos
=793) NatD224
=792) preciousMDub
=791) savingwithwendy
=790) tlvillarreal912
=789) WhitsonWrites
=788) yellowkats ** (second time inactive)
October 23RD DRAWING:
=787) DelilahMartin
=786) LolaWSmith
=785) LuckyAtWinning ** (second time inactive)
=784) MarkValery
=783) SarahMi94625594
=782) queenclover86
September 28TH REDRAW #2:
=781) AlyssaMarie417
=780) FoodInsiderJrnl
=779) gholbertiii
=778) JulietS99857172
=777) Llauget1
=776) Kristenicoler7
=775) MarySGarcia16
=774) Melissa16073448
=773) mosquints
=772) pamdurben
=771) Rosie3312000 ** (second time inactive)
=770) sandevwythman
=769) StupidJonathan
=768) twall_97
=767) WentzelJo
=766) WitleeP
September 28TH REDRAW #1:
=765) ArmyCouple90
=764) griffey_tiffany
=763) gtlugz01
=762) heather_hess76
=761) Jess57774
=760) josh_dad_of_3
=759) kamcanada77
=758) kassart1998
=757) KayleeP22490697
=756) LisafromMI ** (second time inactive)
=755) pianogirl1966
=754) NikRph ** (second time inactive)
=753) scitzo7586 ** (second time inactive)
=752) shraddha27
=751) TeachInspireGro
=750) TinaBonk
=749) unsent927
September 25TH DRAWING:
=748) BnToha
=747) hglynn2005
=745) littlepinkheart
=744) mesmero9
=743) NuRSEshan85
August 24TH REDRAW #2:
=742) HangryMom1
=741) hannah_angellll
=741) heathermahley
=740) Jazzy99960033
=738) lovebeingamama ** (second time inactive)
=737) marydayiscool
=736) Michebar3
=735) ruthdkac
=734) sboone17icloud1
=733) spec_da_nerd ** (second time inactive)
=732) TheLaurenPlace
=731) WackyHappyPappy
August 24TH REDRAW #1:
=730) baby_girl1822
=729) DRebecca29
=728) Eponymss ** (second time inactive)
=727) Gabriela29p
=726) Gages_Moma
=725) GypsyGeisha617
=724) HollyBenjamin15
=723) IWantcoffeeasap
=722) Jennife07563584
=721) jennybay06
=720) KingChrisMan25
=719) LoveCarmen17
=718) Otaku24194641 ** (second time inactive)
=717) paulofawesome
=716) TLV_Presents
=715) sweety_ville
=714) ScentsyDiva79
August 21ST:
=713) AlyInWanderl4nd
=712) AmyRCraft1
=711) GinaMenarde
=710) johnoberg2
=709) Tiffany1720x3
=708) yesenias91
July 7TH REDRAW #2:
=707) Ajewell03
=706) aroundthehouz
=705) dlc917
=704) Dulcetraveler ** (second time inactive)
=703) Eponymss
=702) LaurieAnnGriff
=701) lbeda123 ** (second time inactive)
=700) Llauget1
=699) Madison2003
=698) ohioboyz66
=697) oscarnbeckysmom
=696) RosanneRobinso1
=695) Sherri471
=694) sladelive
=693) snugles2tx
=692) WrapItUpMomma
July 7TH REDRAW #1:
=691) AieshaAnderson1
=690) amanda49201277
=689) AnitaAn61873199
=688) Ashleymom2dsk
=687) clong12506
=686) Jazzebull
=685) Jeannie52981868
=684) jmacfgcs
=683) juliedunn96
=682) karabb04
=681) kingnorthwest22
=680) lydmanning
=679) mariah_L33
=678) mexi182007
=677) patch522
=676) Prii1009
=674) tebby4you
=673) Theresa29640449
=672) VeganFoodRecipe
July 3RD:
=671) belinda727_haas
=670) johnsnook1 ** (second time inactive)
=669) lou1derful
=668) murphtoyou
=667) postprincess0
June 22 REDRAW #2:
=665) Chris04011981
=664) Coulottesteak
=663) CovCov21
=662) DOPPDL
=661) dude_vol
=660) kandeekay345
=659) klanger7
=658) KWins116 ** (second time inactive)
=657) lightsoutskyla ** (second time inactive)
=656) luckyme1786
=655) mangrum2789
=654) Pa_FoxyLady
=653) rheeepperson
=652) tdane
=651) youngatheartmom
June 22 REDRAW #1:
=650) Bradley68731036
=649) CampioneChaos
=648) gsr75
=647) janir2
=646) jlathen
=645) Julimujj
=644) kaffey8
=643) KinyonRocco
=642) lupschukem
=641) Mandeep07777
=640) OcenMark5
=639) teresa0001967
=638) toystoryandy716
=637) Shygurl3166
=636) El_grizzyfit
=635) etchkin
=634) Hales2DaNails
=633) momto4babas
=632) pelton_tom
=631) Rubycrush9
=630) sashi0509
=629) sherri71268
=628) Junebug5050
June 1 REDRAW #2:
=626) amandabynum3250
=625) brianalinn1030 ** (second time inactive)
=624) cherylstucky
=623) Heather40259124 ** (second time inactive)
=622) lindseyveecee
=621) lovebeingamama
=620) MrsEvans_85
=619) pghpens8643
=618) RockinDimondz69
=617) stephannieanne
=616) teacher12333
=615) Tino101
=614) w8onu60
=613) Yanglee87 ** (second time inactive)
=612) ZprheadLisa ** (second time inactive)
June 1 REDRAW #1:
=611) 1nursediva
=610) ami1975
=609) apaprocky1
=608) busterboy52
=607) Glambertgirl
=606) jgkg2004
=605) jparks0329
=604) Joan_De
=603) Katheri92820083
=602) MrsAlmon124
=601) pghpens8643
=600) RobertaTBolling
=599) snowball10241
=598) surgar57
=597) sweepnQueen
=596) adamjarnell
=595) ContentedHen
=594) Cruiserk
=592) Jacinta91962494
=591) sbucknell19
=590) TamberCouch
=589) TinaMil92899240
=588) ChristySarge8
=587) creates_sparkle
=586) Debbie_Sweeps
=584) sulemag08
April 20 REDRAW #2:
=583) 4oreverTrue
=582) WolfCE0514
=581) WordSpelunker
=580) jajasmama1
=579) Lazzybowy ** (second time inactive)
=578) WarriorMomL ** (second time inactive)
=577) Roberta76833972
=576) TrishMDukes
April 20 REDRAW #1:
=575) aliciabasham
=574) bigmrcodgamer
=573) chrisghiguera
=572) CoreyReviews
=571) Dulcetraveler
=570) HorrorguyKole
=569) kotty50
=568) Laurmp317
=567) njf288
=566) NupurG_Ghosh
=565) PaulaBojinoff
=564) ShadowRayne04
=563) stephanienola
=562) sunshinegirl83
=561) SunvoldKeri
=560) Roberta83388886
April 17 DRAWING:
=559) AngieLynnP
=558) betsey_pepsi
=557) ladyknight6
=556) LamonicaWhite4
=555) slossyssweeps
=554) Tryptamine12
=553) disneyfan40
=551) helloilene
=550) JeanneMallett
=549) lbeda123
=548) sdskoug
March 30 REDRAW #2:
=547) angelmom_22
=546) auntieburn ** (second time inactive)
=545) dreamweaver36
=544) ElezovicDrita
=543) HealthnbeautyG
=542) janiceurffer201
=541) KenaBublitz2
=540) LindseySupa1
=539) MarioVi57703698
=538) MichelleTetrea5
=537) oneother2
=535) xtmjjdx
=534) zombiegirl08
March 30 REDRAW #1:
=533) Angiehigens
=532) CatherinePangb4
=530) Crixxanta
=529) DycusShelly
=528) fmd518
=527) FrugalMdMom
=526) janawood11
=525) Leticia36278363
=524) LyricsOfSongs4U
=523) khellemn
=522) KWins116
=521) sarahbartsch4
=520) sarasil104
=519) SJGAINES99
=518) SRadnovic
=517) WingedBallerina
March 27 DRAWING:
=516) BowsByBug
=515) CathyHans1
=514) lddmom3
=513) LisaKerr68 ** (second time inactive)
=512) KrisLinnea
=510) Star18335837
=509) Yiononta
February 17 REDRAW #1:
=508) 1prizewinner
=507) amandal57287106
=506) chirpingjohn
=505) comet93384
=504) Future46er
=503) KelliKelbel
=502) LouisReview
=501) Luckywench66
=500) seeley_music
=499) Sparklyone37
=498) tamathahunter
=497) funmomma211
=496) itsmebipples
=495) JeremysWorld76
=494) SamanthaDamit
=493) ShaniaKent4
=492) stzerop
January 20 REDRAW #2:
=491) A13298
=490) AkiScott1
=489) bentdone
=488) chanceuse19
=487) ConnorLorinda
=486) dcabal83
=485) floeticchick917
=484) FrankThePO
=483) jenitxo
=482) jmmm247
=481) Lazzybowy
=480) melissajoy222
=479) mommydaddylife
=478) Rainbow_licious
=477) TabithaStyskel
=476) TeachingRocks19
=475) TheDingoDude
January 20 REDRAW #1:
=474) 49erFansFrmOC
=473) anonimouszZ_
=472) BellaBella_00
=471) DisneyWife28
=470) madcatly
=469) Ekta_slays
=468) ericsunney4
=467) GoudaCheese007 ** (second time inactive)
=466) jdb728
=465) Kammym3
=464) kooolheather** (second time inactive)
=463) myhunnybunnyco
=462) omarcaperforman ** (second time inactive)
=461) Oliviaclow3
=460) Platinumdoll74
=459) shortfilmcaught
=458) Starofthenight1
January 17th DRAWING:
=457) jenrenh
=456) p0larbearsrawr
=455) sdiego1717
=454) velvetherron69