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——-Past Followers Who Did Not Confirm/DM Us (Inactive List) 2018 

Followers who were chosen as a winner for any of our drawings whom did not confirm within the 24 hours will be placed in an inactive list. During your time in the inactive list, you will not be able to claim the prize even if your name is drawn. To make it out of the inactive list, users will need to be chosen again and send us a DM to confirm. After you send us a DM, you will then be placed out of the inactive list and become eligible to claim your prize for the future drawings. So make sure to turn on your notifications! To find your username faster, you can use “Ctrl + F” if you are on PC or “Command-F” if you are on a Mac.





Dec 21th,  Surprise Drawing
=165) DeborahHinkle24


Dec 10th, Redraw #2
=164) Dhyani1811
=163) sthurberyoung


Dec 10th, Redraw #1
=162) Bellisima421 ** (second time inactive)
=167) ComplexlySimple
=161) maryclean


Dec 7th
=160) JulieeAnne23
=159) kgrraves


November 19th Thanksgiving Drawing
=158) ffvyper
=157) scitzo7586
=156) SupermomOrlando


November 11th,Redraw #2
=155) bree1789twins
=154) inspirit_hani
=153) Keladair
=152) Mommaof3angels
=151) woozlewozzle


November 11th, Redraw #1
=150) DouradoNYC
=149) NOmoreMEtime ** (second time inactive)
=148) nosogirl
=147) SBAirman1

November 9th, 2018
=146) ayenisholah
=145) conniehandt
=144) LUCKYLADY4663
=143) XboxSurvivor


October 31st
=142) StaceyLouHenley


October 29th, Redraw #2
=141) Archiechoke2017
=139) davis2ks
=138) ggallagher71
=137) jfin6147
=136) Moonsgirl77
=135) natashahousto13
=134) PerezGinie


October 29th, 2018 Redraw #1
=133) Allisone84
=132) AmyZada ** (second time inactive)
=131) Cali_Reviews
=130) curtiswray123
=129) GoudaCheese007
=128) Heatherfaye90
=127) Joanp36
=126) orangepin75


October 26th
=125) amberarie1980
=124) HoneyBeesNTrees
=122) JoyceShaulis
=121) ldygwen
=120) Otaku24194641
=119) RhondaHolbroo10

September 10th, 2018
=118) absolutelyknead
=117) james_willim
=116) mnnsuga


September 7th,
=115) silviu039** (second time inactive)
=114) weerkins


August 27th, – Women’s Equality Day Redraw #1
=113) 1Anthony881
=112) redtommy64


August 13th,  Redraw #1
=111) 90sbabytonya
=110) Kristin05062180
=109) MandiMarie78 ** (second time inactive)


August 10th, 
=108) BigMikeH33
=107) Krystal81405469


July 25th,  – Surprise Drawing
=106) lux_beatrice
=105) MandiMarie78
=104) sue11937


July 23th,  – Redraw #1
=103) alicia921
=102) Crypt0Giveaway
=101) DopeRopeSL
=100) Jonnymovgamer
=99) lisae123
=98) minorfan
=97) rcaf31

July 20th, 2018
=96) Shaunviggle ** (second time inactive)


July 5th, (Redraw #2)
=95) burn_311


July 5th,  (Redraw #1)
=94) aandes02
=93) getFindster
=92) govols111
=90) SandyReis2
=89) SoSaladCrew1
=88) StratLisa
=87) Tetrisrubrik
=86) WendyMa1363


July 2nd 
=85) robinj20011 ** (second time inactive)
=84) SoniaVR123


June 29th 
=83) carol_n_mo
=82) Dherrick101
=81) funcooker123
=80) helinoftroy
=79) robinj20011


June 26th
=78) bobosdad
=77) silviu039
=76) sdiego1717
=75) Valerie_Valera


June 20th
=74) JenniGraceP


June 11th
=73) AmyZada
=72) ILoveEgypt
=71) J_Orzol
=70) ladylucke3
=69) pacific_plum


June 8th
=68) ann_marie_79
=67) BeBoldBeU

May 25th, 2018
=65) DebraD1970
=64) usarmy_veteran


May 15th (Surprise Drawing)
=63) 31_nereyda
=62) _calyfornia
=61) awhitley22722


May 14th (Redraw #2)
=60) BigBearBechtel
=59) ErholmKelli
=58 hmrcarlson
=57) Krista_Bford
=56) My_Vegan_Dreams
=55) winkytinky


May 14th (Redraw #1)
=54) AngelikaD15
=53) bluemarblebio
=52) tjarman23


May 11th
=51) Qwerteey1

May 3rd, 2018
=50) CoreyOlomon
=49) hippidippyvegan
=48) lorinmario
=47) Zucchinisaurus


April 23th
=46) Alina_F_E
=45) florriegunn
=44) ILonaB1980
=43) jovansjourney
=42) kworford35
=41) NOmoreMEtime
=40) SaraEvin07


April 20th
=39) greasehead


April 18th
=38) cyfan456
=37) smitchell6409


April 13th
=36) Jasonkogawa
=35) JoeHannani
=34) Waiman1


April 9th
=33) smoothforreal


April 2
=32) jbscpark
=31) jenhaydenmsw
=30) lucky1mn
=29) shaunviggle


March 27
=28) luv4cars


March 19
=27) carrie_con
=26) heyjchuan
=25) wendzzi
=24) vegan_ez


March 16
=23) gracefulwinner


March 5
=22) keltom2
=21) purple88luv


March 2
=19) jbafaith
=18) kathrynh440


Feb 28, 2018
=17) savysherrym


February 16, 2018
=16) _littlemissmay
=15) crmcarebear
=14) highlander0013
=13) scorpjen1121
=12) slow1bow
=11) sushnaik1
=10) veganglobalnews
=9) veganispherecom


February 14th
=8) bellisima421


February 6th
=7) michtayaz
=6) smoke611


February 5th
=5) benthom1983


February 2nd
=4) kathyreh52


January 11th
=3) von411


January 9th
=2) MoreRealBeeBoop


January 5th
=1) 50ShadesofBlaq




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